XLSB File Info - What is a XLSB File Format?

What is XLSB file format?

XLSB stands for Excel Binary, and is a file format used to save Microsoft Excel documents. XLSB files are binary in nature and are much smaller in size than their XML-based counterparts, XLSX files. This makes the file faster to read and write, and less prone to data corruption.

XLSB File Info

An XLSB file is a Microsoft Excel Binary file used to store spreadsheet data. It is an alternative to the traditional XLSX format and is more efficient and compact, allowing for faster data processing and storage. It is also more secure, as it is not as vulnerable to viruses and other malicious software. XLSB files can be opened in any version of Microsoft Excel, as well as some other spreadsheet programs.

What does XLSB file format stand for?

XLSB stands for Excel Binary Spreadsheet File.

Software, Tool, or Editor used to Create XLSB File

Microsoft Excel is the primary software used to create XLSB files. Other compatible applications include Open Office, LibreOffice, and Google Sheets.

Software, Tool, or Editor used to Open XLSB File

Microsoft Excel can be used to open a XLSB file. Additionally, LibreOffice Calc, Apache OpenOffice Calc, and FileViewPro can be used to open XLSB files.

License Type of XLSB File Format

The XLSB file format is owned and licensed by Microsoft, and is available under the Microsoft Office End User License Agreement (EULA).

Usage of XLSB File Format

  1. Storing large volumes of data: XLSB files can store larger amounts of data than XLSX files, making them a great choice for large projects involving lots of data.

  2. Saving time: XLSB files are saved faster than XLSX files, so if speed is a priority, XLSB is the way to go.

  3. Improved performance: XLSB files tend to be more efficient than XLSX files, resulting in improved performance in certain tasks.

  4. Backing up data: XLSB files are great for backing up large amounts of data due to their smaller file size and faster saving time.

  5. Comparing data: XLSB files are great for quickly comparing two sets of data since they can be saved faster and opened quickly.

Strucutre of a XLSB File Extension

  1. File Header: This contains information about the file, such as the file version, document type, date created, and the file creator.

  2. Workbook Data: This contains all the worksheets, charts, and other objects stored in the file.

  3. Workbook Stream: This contains the binary data of the workbook, including the workbook globals and worksheet data.

  4. Summary Stream: This contains the summary information about the file, such as the application that created the file, total number of worksheets, and the total number of bytes used to store the data.

  5. Compound File System Directory: This contains the directory structure of the file, including the file names and other metadata.

  6. Compound File System Streams: This contains the binary data of the file, such as the worksheets, charts, macros, and other objects stored in the file.

History of XLSB Format

The XLSB file format was introduced in Microsoft Excel 2007 as a binary file format. The primary purpose of the XLSB format is to reduce the size of the Excel file. It does this by eliminating the use of XML, which is used in the standard XLSX format. The XLSB format is also faster than the XLSX format, as it does not require converting the file to an XML format first.

The XLSB format has been updated over the years to include features such as improved support for macro-enabled workbooks and VBA project password protection. The format has also been improved to support larger worksheets and better performance when saving and loading worksheets.

Future of XLSB Format

The XLSB file format is likely to remain a popular choice for Microsoft Excel users for many years to come. It offers a number of advantages over other file formats, such as a smaller file size, faster loading times, and improved security. Microsoft is also likely to continue developing and improving the format to ensure that it remains compatible with the latest versions of Excel. Additionally, as more organizations adopt cloud storage solutions, the XLSB file format is likely to become an increasingly popular choice for sharing Excel files due to its improved security features and reduced file size.

Operations Performed on XLSB File Format

To view and perform all the operations on XLSB files, Check these free online XLSB web apps
