TXT File Info - What is a TXT File Format?

What is TXT file format?

TXT is a file extension for a text file, used by a variety of text editors. Text files are plain text documents that contain only text and are viewable in any text editor. They are commonly used to transfer data between different computer systems, store configuration and settings, and generally store information that needs to be stored in plain text format.

TXT File Info

A TXT file is a plain text file that contains unformatted text. It is the most basic type of document that can be created and is supported by almost all text editing and word processing applications. TXT files can be used to store information such as notes, source code, configuration data, or any other plain text data.

What does TXT file format stand for?

TXT stands for Text.

Software, Tool, or Editor used to Create TXT File

A text editor, such as Notepad, Notepad++, or Microsoft Word, can be used to create a TXT file.

Software, Tool, or Editor used to Open TXT File

A text file can be opened with any text editor, such as Notepad (for Windows) or TextEdit (for Mac). Other software programs, such as Microsoft Word, may be used to open and edit a text file as well.

License Type of TXT File Format

The TXT file format has no specific license type. This type of file format is generally considered a public domain format, which means that no one person or entity owns the license.

Usage of TXT File Format

  1. Storing plain text documents, such as a book manuscript or a document outlining web page content.
  2. Configuring software and operating system settings, such as in the Windows registry.
  3. Creating web pages and formatting the HTML code.
  4. Saving game scripts and information for computer and video games.
  5. Creating and maintaining data sets and spreadsheets.
  6. Storing programming source code, such as for a C++, Java, or Visual Basic program.
  7. Logging and tracking events for debugging and troubleshooting software.
  8. Sending simple, plain-text emails without formatting or attachments.

Strucutre of a TXT File Extension

  1. File Header: The first line of the file which contains metadata about the file, such as the file type, size, etc.
  2. Text: The body of the file, which contains the actual text or data.
  3. Line Breaks: The end of each line of text is marked by a line break.
  4. End-of-File Marker: A special character or code at the end of the file which signals the end of the file.

History of TXT Format

The TXT file format was first introduced in the 1980s and was one of the earliest file formats to emerge on the personal computer. It was developed as a simple plain-text format for storing and sharing documents and other data without the need for special formatting or software.

Prior to the development of the TXT file format, text files were stored in a variety of formats, including ASCII, ANSI, and Binary. These older formats were more difficult to use and required specialized software to open and view the contents.

The TXT file format was designed to be easy to use and supported by any text-editing software. It was also designed to be platform-independent, meaning that a TXT file created on

Future of TXT Format

TXT files are likely to remain popular in the future, as they are a versatile, lightweight file format that can be read by almost any text editor and web browser. As technology continues to evolve, so too will TXT files. They may be used for more complex data types, like spreadsheets, or compressed further to reduce their size and impact on storage space. Additionally, TXT files may be further integrated with other technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), to enable more powerful data analysis.

Operations Performed on TXT File Format

To view and perform all the operations on TXT files, Check these free online TXT web apps
