OTT File Info - What is a OTT File Format?

What is OTT file format?

An OTT (Open Document Text) word processing file format is an open standard for office documents created with word processors such as Microsoft Word, Libre Office Writer, and Apache Open Office Writer. OTT files use an .ott file extension and they can be opened by any software that supports the open document format.

OTT File Info

OpenDocument Text (.ott) is a text document format associated with OpenOffice, an open source office suite. It is an XML-based format and is used to store documents, such as text documents, presentations, and spreadsheets. The .ott file format is used as the native OpenOffice text document format and is based on the OASIS OpenDocument standard. It can also contain all the features of a standard text document, including embedded images, tables, and formatting.

What does OTT file format stand for?

OTT stands for OpenDocument Text.

Software, Tool, or Editor used to Create OTT File

The most common tool used for creating OpenDocument Text (OTT) files is Writer. This is a free open source office suite that supports the OTT format. Additionally, many online editors, such as Google Docs and LibreOffice, also include built-in support for the OTT file format.

Software, Tool, or Editor used to Open OTT File

Software and text editors that can open OpenDocument Text (ott) files include LibreOffice Writer, Microsoft Word, Apple Pages, AbiWord, Notepad++, and Keynote.

License Type of OTT File Format

The OpenDocument Text (OTT) file is released under the OpenDocument License.

Usage of OTT File Format

  1. Creating and sharing documents, such as letters, reports, and presentations.
  2. Storing and sharing formatted document content.
  3. Working collaboratively on one document at the same time remotely.
  4. Creating multiple versions of a document and being able to compare them.
  5. Working on documents while offline and still being able to sync with online versions once reconnected.
  6. Creating template files that can be reused and customized.
  7. Publishing documents to the web in HTML format.
  8. Exporting documents to different formats, including PDF and Microsoft Word.

Strucutre of a OTT File Extension

  1. XML namespace declaration
  2. Office metadata (title, subject, etc.)
  3. Document body (containing text and other elements)
  4. Styles (containing style definitions)
  5. Automatic styles (containing automatic style definitions)
  6. Master page (containing layout information)
  7. Fonts (containing font faces and font face declerations)
  8. Scripts (containing scripting code)
  9. Embedded objects (containing embedded objects, such as images)
  10. Settings (containing application settings)

History of OTT Format

The Open Document Text (OTT) file format was initially introduced by version 2.0 in 2002 and standardized by the OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (ODF) in 2005. OTT files are documents created in the ODF, an openly published internationally recognized standard for office documents, allowing files to be shared between multiple programs like StarOffice, Microsoft Office, KOffice, Google Docs, LibreOffice, Abiword and NeoOffice.

Future of OTT Format

OTF is a widely adopted standard for document exchange and archiving and is supported by many office software suites, such as Microsoft Office, Apache OpenOffice, and LibreOffice, making it an ideal choice for organizations and individuals seeking long-term document storage and portability.

The future of OTT is secure, as there is a wide variety of software applications that support the file format. The format continues to evolve and improve to meet changing needs, and members of the OASIS Technical Committee are actively working to ensure the format remains up to date and relevant for users. In the foreseeable future, users can expect that OTT will be a stable and reliable file format for document exchange and archiving.

Operations Performed on OTT File Format

To view and perform all the operations on OTT files, Check these free online OTT web apps
