MHT File Info - What is a MHT File Format?

What is MHT file format?

A MHT file is a web page archive file format created by Microsoft. It stores web page content, including HTML code and embedded images, in a single file. MHT files can be opened with Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, and various web browsers.

MHT File Info

MHT is an extension for the MHTML (MIME Encapsulation of Aggregate HTML) file format. It is commonly used for archiving web pages, and is supported by most modern web browsers. The MHT format allows web page content, such as HTML, images, and other media, to be saved in a single file. The file is divided into sections, each of which is encoded using Base64 encoding. The MHT file can then be opened and viewed in a web browser, allowing the user to view the web page in its entirety.

What does MHT file format stand for?

MHT stands for MIME HTML.

Software, Tool, or Editor used to Create MHT File

The Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser can be used to create MHT files. Alternatively, some text editors, such as Notepad++, can be used to create MHT files. Additionally, there are several MHT-specific file creation tools available online, such as MHT Maker and MHT Quick Creator.

Software, Tool, or Editor used to Open MHT File

A MHT file can be opened with any text editor, such as Notepad, or with a web browser such as Microsoft Edge, Firefox, or Chrome. Other software programs that can open MHT files include the Apple Preview application, Microsoft Word, Winzip, and Foxit Reader.

License Type of MHT File Format

The MHT file format is an open standard created by Microsoft and is not subject to any license. The standard is free to use and implement.

Usage of MHT File Format

  1. Web pages that have been archived by Microsoft Internet Explorer for offline viewing.
  2. Email messages that have been archived in Outlook Express or other email programs.
  3. Reports and other documents that have been saved in the MHT format for sharing or archiving.
  4. Web-based training materials and other interactive documents that are distributed in MHT format.
  5. Web pages that have been exported from web browsers such as Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Strucutre of a MHT File Extension

  1. Multipart boundary: This specifies the boundary that separates the different parts of the MHT file.
  2. MIME-Version: This indicates the version of MIME used to encode the MHT file.
  3. Content-Type: This specifies the type of content included in the MHT file.
  4. Content-Transfer-Encoding: This specifies how the content is encoded.
  5. Content-Location: This specifies the location of the content within the MHT file.
  6. Content-ID: This identifies the content within the MHT file.
  7. Body: This is the main content of the MHT file.
  8. Headers: This contains additional meta-data about the content of the MHT file.

History of MHT Format

MHT, or MHTML, is a web page archive format that stands for MIME HTML. It was first introduced in 1999 as an alternative to the HTML web page format, allowing web pages to be saved in a compressed format that preserved the page’s original formatting and structure.

MHT files are based on MIME, or Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension, which is a standard for describing different types of media content in emails. MHT files use the same MIME standard to store web page content, including HTML code, images, audio, and other media, in a single, compressed file.

Future of MHT Format

MHT (MIME HTML) is an archive file format used for saving webpages. It stores webpages in a single file, preserving images, text, and other elements of the original page. The MHT file format is used in a variety of applications, including email clients, web browsers, and document management systems.

The future of the MHT file format looks promising. As web technologies continue to evolve, so too will the MHT file format. Support for this format is expected to remain strong, as it is a widely-used format and is often used to ensure that webpages are preserved and accessible. Additionally, as more applications and services begin to support MHT files, the format is likely to become more popular.

Operations Performed on MHT File Format

To view and perform all the operations on MHT files, Check these free online MHT web apps
